New Wine – Vino Novello – What is it?
written by David Anderson limited rights reserved

Let me tell you how I learned about Novello.

Washing bottles is not an easy task. A large oak barrel is placed in the center of the cellar over a drain. Then the barrel is filled with clean, very hot water, one bucket at a time. A frame is placed over the top of the barrel with a hand wound pump and bristle brush pointing upward. The empty bottles that have been religiously stored in the cellar after their contents consumed are individually place on the brush. Now comes the fun part, turning the hand crank pumps water into the bottle and rotates the brush, scrubbing and rinsing at the same time. Once the bottle is clean the bottle is placed on newspaper, neck down, to drip dry. This process must be completed at least one week before using the bottles, as any residual humidity would ruin the wine. It cannot be done more than 3 weeks early, as this would allow some dust to enter the bottle.

Yes, the day of the moon and the weather, on the day you bottle, can be the difference between a good wine and a great wine. Giuseppe would determine the 3 day period of the moon, and we would watch the weather, no wind and a stable atmospheric pressure are extremely important.
So what does this have to do with Vino Novello?
No matter how much wine you prepared in March by October, the wine was gone or at significantly low levels. This is just before the season when red wine is a must for all of the hearty foods. Yes, you could introduce white wine but, for most farmers, white wine is for women and children. Placing a white wine on the dinner table just would not be right. Thus, the advent of Vino Novello.
Vino Novello is an antique wine although, only known among farmers until the 30s when, the farmers of Beaujolais decided to commercialize the product. Their wine, Beaujolais Nouveau, was a tremendous success. Vino Novello is made from a different process than normal red wines. Some even question if it is wine at all. The difference is in the fermentation process. The grapes are placed in large barrels or vats. They are then closed off and the oxygen is eliminated by pumping in CO2. The natural yeast migrate from the skin of the grapes into the pulp looking for water and oxygen and the fermentation takes place.

I consider Vino Novello as grape juice with alcohol.
Generally it is very fruity, sometimes tending toward sweet, and goes down real easy. Often served colder than room temperature Vino Novello can bite you without any signs along the way. One of those wines that seems to go on forever during dinner, so good, and then you try to get up from the table and stumble over your chair.
Vino Novello must not be conserved. It will go bad. In Brianza the last day to consume Novello is “I Giorni della Merla”, the days of the Crow said to be the coldest day of the year. In the rest of Italy, most will agree that Easter is the last day to consume new wine. It is not available until November 6 and will carry the current year as the harvest. So have some fun, pretend you bottled your own wine in March and need something to make it last, drink a bottle of Novello with a Chicken Cacciatora or other hearty meal and have a great evening, preferably at home.
Tags: Vino Novello Wine Business Red Wine Italian Wine Beaujolais Nouveau Sommelier Food and Wine Travel Italy
I have Beaujolais Nouveau on order. When it arrives, I'll drink a toast to your health!
1:44 AM
ChickyBabe Now that is a compliment among friends. To you Chicky!
4:35 AM
ooh i just had a glass of novello today! it was all grape gummy bears and bananas.
cheers to the harvest :)
1:03 PM
Tracie b. Cin Cin!!! I will be enjoying my Novello in just a short couple of weeks!
Please tell us about your Novello.
2:28 PM
it was mionetto--the bottle with the cute baby. i started my "sommelier" course yesterday afternoon in napoli (my boyfriend gave it to me for my birthday) and we had a glass of berlucchi and a glass of novello. it's igt veneto so i'm sure a little bit of everythig went into it.
you know it bothers me when people say, "oh, I don't LIKE novello." it's certainly not my favorite, nor yours, i can imagine, but it has it's place and should be appreciated for the celebration of the harvest that it is.
and the harvest is DEFINITELY somethin' to celebrate!
12:25 AM
Tracie b. I agree, not my favorite but what a way to throw a party!!!!
5:13 AM
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