Monday, January 28, 2008

Women’s Fashion Spring Summer 2008 – Alessandro De Benedetti

Milan is the home of Women’s Fashion the last week in January. The rest of the world is fretting over foreclosures and recessions while Milan celebrates creativity and that beautiful creature known as Woman. “The Streets are Alive” with beautiful babes! Some of the young stylists are presenting some really interesting designs. Alessandro De Benedetti is one of those to watch today and in the future.

With simple colors, white and pearl grays, he presents an entire line Spring and Summer Women’s outfits. Classical, clean and fresh designs become works of art with pleats, folds and borders. He adds in a few touches of flowing grace with voluptuous fabrics strategically draped. Cotton and Silk are the fabric of choice.

Ladies these outfits will make your girlfriends jealous and your male friends drool. They represent the confidence and power of a big cat while hinting at the innocence of the schoolgirl next door. They may not work to well for the vamp but are the perfect solution for the working lady.

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Blogger chris said...

Nics pics

5:52 AM


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