Friday, August 03, 2007

The Nights of San Lorenzo – Wine, Food and Fireworks in the Squares of Italy

The nights of San Lorenzo are always a festive occasion. Sometimes it is an opportunity to take your partner out for a romantic evening in the hills of Italy gazing at the universe’s fireworks show. With a family more organized events are in order. Either way the week of August 10th is full of festivities across Italy. The traditions of San Lorenzo change from region to region, as do the festivities.

In Romagna it is custom to bathe in the sea seven times during the evening. Similar to a baptism this tradition is said to purify the soul and bring fortune. Cervia, in Romagna, celebrates the Fires of San Lorenzo with a fair on the beach. Wine tasting, local foods and artisan products are offered along with music and dancing.

Crotta d’Adda, in the province of Cremona, organizes a more futuristic style of festivities. The local astronomy group gathers in the Park of the Prince, on the shore of the river. Computerized laser shows and celestial maps accompany the shooting stars. The group provides telescopes and experts to explain the heavens.

The Wine Touring Club and the City of Wine organize wine tasting and gourmet food events in the major Italian cities where local wine producers present their newly released products.


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