Lamborghini – Tractors to Sports Cars
written by David Anderson limited rights reserved

In 1948, Ferruccio Lamborghini began purchasing WWII surplus vehicles and parts. He would assemble the parts to create tractors badly needed during the post war rebuilding and expansion. The company was successful but his passion was motors. In 1963 he created his first automobile. The car was an immediate success but the true money machine was the tractor business. It also was his downfall. In the 70s with falling demand for the high-end cars in the US and a cancelled order for 5,000 tractors to Brazil the company was strapped for cash.

His legacy is a monument to Italian ingenuity and workmanship. I have never owned or driven a Lamborghini but it is a dream. One time on the track, take this beautiful vehicle out and let her go.
Tags: Lamborghini Race Cars Emilia Romagna Bologna Italy
Labels: Bologna, Emilia Romagna, Italian Cars
It is a beautiful car - I think I would prefer this over a Ferrari anyday (although it is just a dream). My Nonno, by the way, used to design for Maserati(there must have been a factory near Milan somewhere).
12:36 AM
Ferrari, Maserati, and Lamboghini are all from Modena-Bologna. Alfa Romeo is from the Milan area. He may also have worked at Pina Farina who has done many designs for Ferrari.
5:02 AM
lamborghini tractor? it's news to me! i got something special on my blog. come and see!
9:35 AM
Jerry - great tractors, great price/quality relationship.
3:34 PM
LOL...Lamborgini tractors...I never would have guessed! That's great.
5:20 PM
Quality, whether in tractors or top flight automobiles, is the basis of every good company! Lamborghini is definitely a top noch producer.
5:31 PM
It doesn't matter who owns Lamborghini as long as the spirit, the design, and the ideology behind the engineering remain Italian. There is an integrity of purpose that shows in the final product.
1:57 AM
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